Reis Reffold

Fighting back

Recognising the hardship experienced by Sri Lankans during the country’s worst ever economic crisis, Hutch shared their open and agile approach to offer customers undisrupted connectivity at affordable prices. In 2023, Hutch rolled out a string of four key campaigns that reinforced its drive to excel in the fight back. These included a ‘Freedom of […]

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Artful intelligence

Presenting another take on WHAM’s opening keynote about AI and creativity, artist Benedict Davies considers the impact of AI on the creative professions. While hype around AI might predict the future redundancy of human creativity, Marcel Duchamp’s revolutionary ‘The Creative Act’ suggests otherwise.   In 1957, the pioneering artist advocated that “the creative act is

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On the up & in the mix

Drei made bold moves this year to attract the growing youth market in Austria with unlimited 5G tariffs for smartphones and homes. Just this December a new Tik Tok channel has been launched to communicate more effectively with a youth market. A “Try before you buy” campaign was a first-ever in the country. With up³

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Beyond perfection

SUPREME connects high net-worth customers with prestigious benefits, high-end experiences and privileges. And we got to see how the brand is delivering its promise through a series of exciting activations, and more importantly, the extra network resources provided to this group of creamy customers. SUPREME began as a customer loyalty program “3SUPREME” under 3 Hong

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Less Malarkey

Still in its infancy as a MVNO, SMARTY is a brand that already has a compelling story to tell – and in its market update we heard how such a simple ‘no-nonsense’ strategy can strike a chord with consumers. In spite of a tightening of consumer purse strings due to high inflation, Three UK’s sister

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Your best phone life

Three years on from establishing its ‘Life Needs a Big Network’ brand platform, Three UK showed us how the brand is ‘growing up’, becoming more and more relevant for consumers, and appealing to a broader set of segments. What’s working, according to Three, is a new and distinctive brand language, and a focus on authenticity

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Satisfaction guaranteed

As the market leader in Ireland’s mobile landscape, Three showed us how it continues to hero the positive power of connectivity, on its multi-year journey to becoming a connected living lifestyle brand.   In 2023, Jeff, Three’s award-winning bearded dragon, returned to welcome broadband to the ‘Connected Life’ platform. Speaking to the whole market, Three

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Driving opportunity

As the Innovations, Opportunities and Development division of CKHH, CKH IOD aims to support the group’s telcos through its work with bulk procurement, centralizing of international roaming and streaming deals, mobile device security, B2B solutions and sustainable technologies. Speaking about the division’s 2023 highlights, Director of Enterprise, Wholesale and IoT Products Tom Gardner highlighted a

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As they like

For Tri in Indonesia, we heard how 2023 was a delicate balancing act between necessary telco price increases and Tri’s reputation as an affordable brand among its mostly Gen Z customer base. The answer, Tri believes, is flexibility. Recognising the habits and “own rules” of its digital native customers, Tri launched ‘Happy Flex’ in 2023

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