In Hong Kong, Three collaborated with the renowned experimental theatre group Zuni Icosahedron (Zuni), to produce the city’s first 5.5G-powered drama, “Left Unsaid,” which premiered in November at the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. This groundbreaking collaboration is set to reshape the local arts scene by merging cutting-edge technology with immersive theatre.
Leveraging Three’s 5.5G network – 10 times faster than 5G – audiences experienced a unique, interactive performance. With ultra-low latency and real-time mobile streaming, over 1000 spectators enjoyed close-up views of the drama, creating a more intimate connection with the performers. This cross-media production combined live action with digital elements like interactive visuals, sound and lighting, offering a new form of audience engagement.
Kenny Koo, Executive Director and CEO of Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited said, “We are dedicated to advancing the intersection of art and technology through our cutting-edge 5.5G applications. This commitment not only strengthens our leadership in the industry but also underscores our dedication to branding and our ongoing ESG initiatives, shaping a sustainable future for the community.”
Hutchison Telecom Hong Kong has been allocated 600MHz of spectrum in the 26GHz band by the Office of the Communications Authority, significantly boosting 5G capacity and paving the way for 5.5G applications. Combined with the 3.5GHz band, the 26GHz spectrum achieved download speeds of 5.2 Gbps and upload speeds of 1.1 Gbps, marking a major breakthrough in network technology.
Beyond supporting arts and cultural initiatives, the 26GHz band will expand 5G capacity and enable innovative applications for mission-critical communications in high-traffic areas across diverse sectors, such as remote medical surgeries, automated ‘smart’ factory production, and logistics in unmanned warehouses.